Kubernetes Gateway Chaining

* Freeze of the Kubernetes Ingress API * Introduction of the Gateway API * Example shows operators responsible for certificates, allowing teams to only HTTPRoutes * Need for a setup to allow teams to be responsible for their own certificates * Set up a shared Gateway with a public IP and a wildcard hostname * ReferenceGrants…

Running remote IDE's using DevPod (5 of 5)

Now we've made sure everything will be set up automatically once we create a namespace, and start our DevPod, we can start configuring DevPod itself. There's a few things we need to configure to make DevPod work nicely with the environment we set up. Configuring DevPod…

Running remote IDE's using DevPod (4 of 5)

Now software engineers are able to create their own namespace, and are automatically granted cluster-admin permissions within that namespace, we can continue on taking care of authentication. DevPod builds the IDE image based on a few fields in the .devcontainer.json that we configured earlier. It hashes the configuration it…

Running remote IDE's using DevPod (3 of 5)

Granting permissions within the namespace Now users are able to create their own namespace, we can configure a ClusterPolicy that grants them cluster-admin permissions within that namespace. To accomplish this, we'll generate a RoleBinding between the default ServiceAccount in that namespace and the cluster-admin ClusterRole. Using a RoleBinding…

Running remote IDE's using DevPod (2 of 5)

Part 2: Guide to Installing Kyverno and Enforcing Restrictions. This guide is for demonstration purposes only, and not actual step-by-step guide on how to do this. Knowledge of Kubernetes is assumed, so some steps might not be documented in this guide. Installing Kyverno Before we do anything, we want to…

Series: Running remote IDEs using DevPod

Working in large organizations that create software, it's almost inevitable that new engineers join every month. While setting up your workstation has undoubtly become easier with the help of Homebrew, more often than not it is still a significant challenge to get everything set up in an environment…